Thursday 1 November 2012


There is an interesting divison between public and private in the existing building with a hall that leads you from the street and into the back yard, it could be interesting to incorporate this transitional concept into my project. I've analyzed the original construction's plan to get an idea of how to organize the different functions and their connections in a new way. My idea is to create a space on the ground plan that acts as storage for bicycles and prams, objects that are used in everyday life when you're exiting your house. This means that I'll somehow be creating a room within a room where people will pause briefly to either get their bicycle, prepare for a walk with a pram or they'll be standing just inside this room on their way inside. Having an entrance which is within a room, makes the experience of getting your keys out and bringing your shopping inside a more protected experience because you're already in a more private zone. So I'd like to experiement with these transitional phases with different materials such as glass in the floor - will this create a hidden border leading inside?

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